Apparently, the level of discord in local
American Institute of Architects (AIA) chapters is
on the rise. Many who responded to a poll say they don't get the help they need out of their membership and some wonder if there are other alternatives.
What's your experience been with the AIA and its local chapters? Are you a satisfied customer?
I have been a Board member for 6 years or so in Central PA as their affiliate representative. I have seen very effective boards and some less effective. Everyone struggles to get things done and still get their day job done. I will say in general that many of those who complain are the ones least likely to invest their own time in changing things. It is always easy to sit on the sidelines. If I were an Architect (and I of course am not...nor do they want me I think) I would say they do a pretty good job overall. You can't please everyone all the time. I would imagine everyone would be a sight less cranky if they were buried in work. :)